Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Yesterday was a bluey day... Up at 6:45am in a freezing foggy winter is one of the awful thing! On top, I had a really irritating stomach AGAIN!! I can guarantee that I will be very grumpy for the whole day>o< I felt vomiting from the moment I got up! I was totally disgusted when I puke(apology for this disgusting reaction)~ I took some herbal medicine last night to ease the inflammation inside my body as I had been eating too much spicy food these days>< so it seemed that it's not digested well!! 

It's always very in the early morning~so I hv no time to drink enough water at home~ just got 2 slices of fruit bread toasted & filled my half-consumed rice milk with English bfast tea & honey for my trip to the class (renew my RSA license )

such a long boring day...
Congratulations~ successfully passed the assessment and had my license renewed^^

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