Sunday, 16 June 2013

my Sunday @home

"Goal of the day" achieved ^^ all my summer dress packed up into the vacuumed bag~ I was shocked again that the large quantity of the lace dress owned. I admit that I love lace/silk like dress a lot, so just cannot resist to keep purchase, even tho they look alike sometimes in all but difference in colour~ They are just so comfy and easy to put & match^^ 

just roughly counted them while I was folding into the bag. wow~ its really a bit too many all in different style such as lace prom dress, lace shift dress, lace slip dress, lace skate dress, lace babydoll dress, ect... ... I was really spoiled~ Most of them are never worn, and will never ever be worn coz they are too cute to be matched with a right outfit. I really think a dolly & cute lace dress should be matched with a smart or less feminine outfit, otherwise you could look pretty stupid. 

I also had my accessories and makeup arranged into boxed nicely~ I was quite efficient ;P nonstop until I could not wait to feed my stomach ><
 As mentioned, tomato chicken feet soup had been slowly boiling on stove since the early afternoon~ It all got soften even the bone~ yumyum~ had some lettuce cooked with the excessive oil from the soup~ so there would not be any oil added~ nice & healthy~

I am on a low Carbohydrate diet with NO bread,NO pasta. I have been pushing myself so hard not to touch bread :0 Its the 1st week. My plan is for 4 weeks. It will be very hard, but no failure is accepted!!!! 

Its not only for weigh loss, it also help me to find out the most effective way for me to keep in good shape. Then I know if carbohydrate items need to be cut down or meat items for my lifetime fitness project^^


sunny day with banana+lollies

It is such a beautiful day. The sun had gone away long enough that I thought it forgot its way back to our city;)) Winter at here is the worst season, cold & rainy but no snow>< (coz I never see snow in my life so far) I have been having the dream of watching the very first snow with my Mr. right... but I think God still does not want to guide him to find the way to me :((

Anyways, it super duper sunny. But I have no plan to spend my off day outside coz everything is not yet organised and packed for moving, which will be in 7days but there are only 2 off days>< So I decided to stay home to start packing as much as I can. I knew I would feel bored and desired for snacks. I took my tiny teeny purse and went to supermarket just to buy some gummy(Germany gummy is the best) & fruits. Happy buy today~as banana is available at a really low price. This is a luxury fruit in AUS, its called Louis Vuitton in fruit category ;P
As per Sunday is the laundry day, so its all done as soon as coming back home. Chicken feet soup is slowly double-boiling on the stove. I am now eating-blogging just an excuse to eat some biscuits with English Breakfast Tea before packing :))

I hope everyone have a nice day^^


Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Yesterday was a bluey day... Up at 6:45am in a freezing foggy winter is one of the awful thing! On top, I had a really irritating stomach AGAIN!! I can guarantee that I will be very grumpy for the whole day>o< I felt vomiting from the moment I got up! I was totally disgusted when I puke(apology for this disgusting reaction)~ I took some herbal medicine last night to ease the inflammation inside my body as I had been eating too much spicy food these days>< so it seemed that it's not digested well!! 

It's always very in the early morning~so I hv no time to drink enough water at home~ just got 2 slices of fruit bread toasted & filled my half-consumed rice milk with English bfast tea & honey for my trip to the class (renew my RSA license )

such a long boring day...
Congratulations~ successfully passed the assessment and had my license renewed^^

Monday, 10 June 2013

Fish Market - Queens Birthday

Another fun day^^ with all silly n crazy ppl celebrating Queen's Birthday~
We went Fish Market (for whom hv no idea, it's a big market with loads of fresh daily caught seafood and cafes). It's my first time in 10yrs~ shame~ so I was so excited when I saw those ocean delis~ actually I got excited when we were on the tram>o< I had no idea where to go and what to start with... So just followed behind Joy & Dexter (they are experts). I wanted everything!! I could feel my mouth was watery when I looked at the food at the food counter~especially the cheese baked lobster!! I could hear they were calling me "pick me eat me!" Raising voice is required~haha~otherwise you will never get to buy anything over the crowd as on one can hear u! After rounds n rounds of buying~ We got a lot!! 
CheesyLobster,Scallops,Calamari,Tiger Prawns,Salmon & Tuna sashimi~ a big tray of delis!!!we eventually started approaching to our table where was located outside~ the rain started slowly... but on one wanted to move inside coz we could not wait to start eating!! So we were eating in rain but felt nothing even we all got wet on out backs at the end(coz the big umbrella stand covered the center of the whole table) but we just so enjoyed eating-talking and completely ignored the rain >o<

I did some filming today~ but I don't think it's successful. Coz it's my first time filming, and they were not really into it, all the attention caught by the food -.-||| 
Dex was wearing sunglasses so they well covered his real face~ but Joy's eye need to be covered with starts~lol~ I will definitely try to get everyone participating next time if we go out~ I like filming coz it's more vivid than shooting. It can always replay and enjoy the fun moment again with voice and expressions. 

Thank you loves~ back to work tomorrow~

❤ ❤ 

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Lunch at Cafe Morso

Finally we made it~ my lovely girls was talking about hving my B-day lunch at this nice spot named Cafe Morso since my b-day, which was last month the 21st. for many reason, its postponed to today ;)) Its a hidden but nice little cafe by the bay. Actually its recommended by Renee(the girl in jeans outfit). We were so hungry as we spent so much time on finding the meeting spot (sounds silly) So we ordered our food so quickly just like knowing the menu by heart;P

Me & Renee ordered the same "Sautée mushrooms with truffle scramble egg & Sonoma sour dough"~ I was taking the risk of getting the reaction of eating egg(I have mild allergy to egg) I did not hv high expectation for the food but more like enjoy the time spent with them. The mushroom was nice~ its always the safe item to order~ Kiko ordered"Pork risotto", it did not look fine to me by the texture of the risotto. I am very picky on risotto, pasta & pizza~ Anyways, we enjoyed our time in the sun with our food & the jug of fake Sangria~lol~

We went shopping/ more like browsing in the city center just to kill the time as it was too early to go home individually. I think I need to do a real shopping next time by myself with purpose/list~ I have been wanting to get a check shirt and a nice sweater for this winter~ But havent found one yet~
I always feeling like going home when it gets dark if there is no one driving me home. and the sleepless mind was driving me a bit crazy for sweets. SO I did some naughty ><
Im not a marshmallow person~ n never feel like letting one into my mouth since I was little. However I really don't what is wrong with me today?I never purchased one bag"milk chocolate Coated Honeycomb marshmallow" while I was browsing in supermarket :O I think I'm out of mind due to overloading stress and exhaustion>< The worst thing about being stressed is losing control on balancing diet. I know I should not but this is the most comfy and easy way to get myself distracted~ I am now~lol~coz the Marshmallow is really yummy;)) make a pot of English tea~

I really should take shower & brush my teeth, otherwise the whole bag of marshmallow will be eaten up!!!!! 


Saturday, 8 June 2013

loving REDWIN Vitamin E cream

"Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment." - John 7:24 
I think it can be applied on everything, like skin products~ :P Products with low price always get ignored or doubted on its effect. However, it is not like that at all, just like wine, a fine wine is defined by its price.

I spotted this simple thingy accidently - REDWIN Vitamin E cream last year winter time and fell in love. It looks not fancy at all with extremely simple packing,but with AMAZING effect on skin ^^

My hands got chapped so much that I thought they needed some treatment more than cosmetic. So the words "Vitamin E" caught my eye as its good on moisturizing skin, especially its pure and with oil. A big thanks to it for my hands ^o^ It lasted until spring~

The second jar purchased today but for my legs this time. I used to apply NEVIA Q10, but I really do not see the difference and it cost more than REDWIN (around AU$3+). Another reason is the jar,which is better than bottle as its easier to get even the last drop>< I was surprisingly thrilled for the feeling on my leg. It gets absorbed easily in few second massage, NOT sticky at all!! I only applied bit (much less than any other body lotion)and did not know how it got spread and covered so well in a big area. It really moisturizes and soothes my skin, even my palms felt soft ;) I am so loving it :xx I just cannot wait to share at here even thought its late here(1am).
Goodnight all~

❤ S 

Monday, 3 June 2013

Afternoon Tea/High Tea

Its a really stormy + cloudy day. I was waken up by the noise of the raindrops tapping on my bedroom window. The darkness from outside misled me of the time of the day, I curled up again in bed while searching my phone to check the time~ 10:57am?? I could not believe my eyes coz its like 6am unawakened sky. I was a bit disappointed that the appointment for High Tea might be cancelled. I phoned to confirm with my friend before I left my bed. Thank God that the rain stop for a bit when I was catching the train ;))

I had a nice date with my chums at High Tea~ but got tiny sugar high ><
Cortile is my top list Afternoon Tea/High Tea choice. Its buffet style with good variety of   sweet and savory selections. So it suits the whole group with different preferences, and its in the hotel lobby which allows us to stay as long as we like ;P coz we always forget the time when we start chit-chatting~ its really not pleasant to get asked to leave in the middle of the enjoyment. 

I ate loads of Crepes and Macarons, I just cannot help when I see these items and never get fed up >< Earl Gray is always my Tea selection (I to have Champagne on arrival but did not today as its the 1st day of MC). I only like to eat with people who enjoy food and have good appetites otherwise my mood & appetites would be affected. Luckily all my chums are food lovers ^o^ and appreciate fine food. 

I really love the moments with them. There are so many jokes & laughter from the beginning until the end which brightens my life a lot. Its just like a recharger to my happiness that is required regularly ;)) Thanks God for giving me all the lovely people to make my life more colourful ^^

Love :xx
❤ S 

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Hoping for a Happy June~

Another month flew by like an arrow... every month started without any notice >< I think never get prepared for this speed physiologically -.-|| 

It was not really busy in the month of May as its winter time over here so my schedule is a bit easier, but my life actually got a bit messy and tough due to the repeating issue which only God knows when is the end. 

ANYWAYS... I have seen a post from Sprinkle Of Glitter who is my all-time favorite lovely lady (I think most of bloggers +Youtubers know her. i hope she will not be unhappy to be mentioned here) about not letting people suck the happiness out of you. Its so true!! I always know this but sometimes its just very difficult not to get nervous/panic/sad when people throw rock on me. HOWEVER the post really motivated me a lot in my cloudy days. I have been trying very hard to put effort to maintain myself in a calm condition when facing gossip/difficulties/challenges then to continue enjoying my life with people who truly care for me:)) I try to remind me of this philosophy and distract mind by forgetting or focusing on other stuffs... ... it works sometimes, at least I wont be trapped in the depressing situation. 

I try to find more enjoyment while leading + working with my team; I exercise constantly when I wake up; I spare more time with my chums talking laughing joking... ... I think I am more like myself more cheerful when spending more time with them. 

Welcome June~ Please be nice to me & all my loved ones~ Thank you Lord~

❤ S ❤

Monday, 27 May 2013


I had a awful week,which should never be recorded/written here. The past CANNOT be changed,but it can be a really good lesson for a better future. Since this little BLOG created on my B-day, I decided not to let ugly moments spoil this little peaceful+beautiful space❤ I would like to share POSITIVE & MEANINGFUL information with all potential bloggers^^

So today, I would like to put the moldy day behind and share something I have been loving... ...

Spotted it accidently in the supermarket while shopping for my daily supplements. I am a bit obsessed with nutrition related products/studies as I have been eating supplements since teen (influent by my mom). I do believe that some of the nutrition is unable to be aborted by human body hence the supplements were invented;P COLLAGEN is a essential for healthy skin & building cells. I have tried some more cosmetic collagen before, they were far too expensive to consume in a daily basis for long-term to feel the difference. So I quitted. HOWEVER, I have been drinking this constantly, this is the 2nd bottle ;)) I believe that some of you have heard/used products from this brand. It is verified AUS health&wellness company. My daily supplements are the same brand. 

I bought them(another 2 bottle at 500m per btl) for the word-COLLAGEN for my skin (even tho it also says Hair.Nails but all been ignored) and its reasonable price being a collagen. I think its affordable to make it long-term with NO harm. It's just so easy to drink with the flavor of Blood Orange. ONLY 10ml with my B'fast (it doesn't say when should it be taken,but as collagen,Vit&cal. are best to be taken in the morning). Its suggested to diluted in H2O/juice,but its not necessary as it tastes nice;))

I did not expect to see any difference coz its just a supplement but not medicine, especially collagen. However, I found that my hair is getting stronger as there was so much hair lost while washing n combing. There was only half bottle consumed at that stage. I feel good every time I see the liquid level is getting and I know that I have been taking care of myself well (my new year resolution^o^) 

For the SKIN wide, not much change :( I cannot complain much coz I sleep late and have sleeping problem. Hence I have to take care of my Skin very carefully. I would like to share some of my experience of SKIN PRODUCTS.

Is there anyone having the same problem? and would like to share some solution or experience of dealing with the annoying problem??


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Happy Birthday to Me 521

I chose to start this Blog on my Birthday, coz I wanted to have a Fresh, New & Different start of my life ^^ so... ...

Happy Birthday to me \^o^/ (21 May)
I was out until midnight, a delay blogging :P

I'm always very anxious and sad in my birthday month. Some of my friends cannot understand my feeling. I think Im just afraid of aging because there are still many things/goals not yet achieved. Time is really a horrible thing that never come back.

Sparkle & Golden elements were chosen for my makeup of  the night~ I also curled my hair (I just realized my hair was always made curl on my b-day,dunno why) then put on my furry dress and heals and ready for my night ^o^ 1st thing needed to be done was recharging my card to make calls to my parents, its a tradition. Its very hard for me not to be emotional coz I do really miss them very much. But I have to control my emotion otherwise they will be worried and sad. I only want them to hear my cheerful tone and laughter.

I felt very nostalgic when they were saying how much they missed my childhood life. I had a really happy and colourful childhood, if I could use only 1 word to describe it, it would Laughter ^^ Thanks God for my amazing parents :xx

After hours speaking with my parents, I went to city to meet my birthday dates(Mimi & Flora). I'm very thankful to have these 2 sweet girls organizing my b-day dinner @ Meat&Wine Co.  We had massive meaty meal which were 220g Monte beef fillet & 300g MonteGold NewYorker & beef screwer :O As it says on my profile,Im more like pescetarian not a meat eater, it was really heavy meal to me, but once for a while is ok ;P but I still have to be on strict diet on the second day:((

Mimi bought me a lil bunch of beautiful StarGazer lily(pink lily) & a very comfy snowy white fleece gown which is extremely comfy & a pair of wooden socks(from PterAlexander). Thx for being thoughtful, its so necessary in this freezing winter ;xx We were taking pic. while waiting for Flora(she had to work). She had a set of L'Occitane hand-cream for me which also suited the weather so much, and a birthday cake,one of the most important part of the date >o<

We moved to Ivy(1 of the popular pub in town) after dinner coz the cakeage($30?seriously not even in a 5-star hotel would charge this amount) is ridiculous at the restaurant. Flora is like me loving drinking a lot, but she is more a Cocktail person, Im more a wine lover, Mimi is allergy to alcohol (she always drinks tea after dinner)So its actually a nice idea to spend the rest of the night at Ivy and enjoy our cake with cocktails. (with $5p.p. served with ice-cream). Making wishes is a MUST on birthday, I don't know what makes to believe that birthday wishes is a chance given/granted by God,so cannot be missed. I was so glad that they had the beautiful birthday cake & candle for m e to make my wishes :xx
I hope that it is really fresh start for me. I have learnt, experienced & grown up a lot in the past year. Also I have been through many many difficulties which  was completely out of my range. What a huge challenge. I would say I had incredible year. Instead of hating the people who hurt me, I would like to thank them to make me become a better and stronger person. So I will continue working on upgrading myself to be a better me everyday in all different aspects. 
bless me :xx

❤ S ❤